Extension Leadership
Jessamine County Extension Council
The County Extension Council is an organized body of volunteer leaders. They counsel with agents and help identify issues and community needs, give support to develop, carry out and evaluate non-formal educational programs that contribute to a county's social and economic development.
The Jessamine County Extension Council is made up of members representing each of the four Extension program areas (Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H/Youth Development, Community Development), plus the Extension District Board members.
Jessamine County Extension District Board:
An organized sub-body of the County Extension Council created by the Jessamine County Fiscal Court. The District Board is a body corporate, serving as an agency of the State to manage the affairs of the Jessamine County Extension District, whose boundaries are coexistent with the boundaries of the County.
The Jessamine County District Board Members are:
Judge David West
Sharon Guy
Larry Lewis
Carl Waits
Judy Miller
Ben Brown
Rachel Arnold